Yoga Nidra Recording: Full Blue Moon

Yoga Nidra Recording: Full Blue Moon


Nourishing inner stability and steadiness in the midst of change, disruption and chaos.

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This practice helps nourish inner steadiness and stability, especially in the midst of change, disruption, chaos and uncertainty. It can be beneficial for anytime you would like to feel more grounded and steady, or when you feel you would benefit from reconnecting to the nourishing energies of the Earth and the nurturing abundance of the Full Moon. This practice supports connecting with the body and breath, calms and soothes the central nervous system, and balances all of the chakras, bringing everything back to center.

The Full Moon in Taurus occurred on October 31, 2020. A Full Moon on Halloween is a rare event which only happens every 18-19 years. It was also a Blue Moon, the second Full Moon in one month. Sitting with Uranus, this moon’s stable Taurus energy was infused with the vibrations of disruption and chaos, creativity and innovation, signatures of these times. The Sun in Scorpio brings the light of awareness into the depths of our subconscious being, allowing us to be present with what is being revealed for healing and transformation.

Halloween is derived from the ancient Celtic festival Samhain, marking the end of harvest time, as well as the end of one year and the beginning of the next. It is a celebration of the “in between” state, a liminal phase. It is thought by many traditions to be a time of honoring our ancestors, those who have come before us, honoring the cycles of death and life. It is said that the veils are thin between the earthly realm and the spirit realm at this time.

By its very nature, Yoga Nidra is a practice of letting go and consciously dropping into a liminal state of awareness, the space in-between sleep and awake. Here, the veil between individual consciousness and universal consciousness can dissolve, and we can experience the deepest part of ourselves, our true essential nature. Resting here, we can experience deep healing and a profound sense of wholeness and peace. 

The sound and vibrations of the Full Moon and Sedna planetary gongs, Himalayan and Alchemy Crystal singing bowls, Cosmic Tubes, Blue Moon chimes and other sound healing instruments support and enhance the practice, facilitating deep relaxation and healing on all levels. 

Originally recorded in a live online gathering held on October 26, 2020, just before the Halloween Full Blue Moon.


Thank you!


Audio Editing

Tyrell Waiters

Graphic Design

Jess LeClerc