Yoga Nidra Recording: Stillness in the Heart of Transformation

Yoga Nidra Recording: Stillness in the Heart of Transformation


This Yoga Nidra with Sound Healing practice is deeply balancing on all levels, helpful for re-energizing the body, and alleviating exhaustion and fatigue.

It is a practice that can be used anytime for releasing old habits, beliefs and thought patterns, making space for new ideas and expanded perspectives.

Eclipses are considered to be energetic portals, a shift in light, a shift in consciousness. An eclipse is a time to re-set and re-calibrate, to become aware of what needs to be seen and/or healed in order to continue to grow and evolve, individually and collectively.

Opening this Eclipse portal, the Super Flower Blood Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse occurs on May 26th 2021, at 4:18 am PT, in the sign of Sagittarius, the sign of abundance, expansion, optimism and joy.

Woven into this Eclipse portal, Mercury begins its retrograde cycle in the sign of Gemini, the sign related to communication, adaptability, and thought processes. Mercury in retrograde is a time to pause, reflect, and review what we have experienced in the last few months, so that we can integrate what we have learned before we move forward again.

Closing the Eclipse portal is the Annular "Ring of Fire" Solar eclipse on June 10th, 2021 at 3:52 AM PT, also in the sign of Gemini. This eclipse brings more focus to the energies of Gemini, and is close to the midpoint of Mercury's Retrograde cycle.

The techniques of Yoga Nidra take the body into a deeply relaxed state, much like REM sleep, while maintaining a deep, alert consciousness. The body is asleep while the mind is deeply alert. In this state, the healing power of prana (our body’s energy system) is naturally disengaged from fragmented mental and emotional activities. As a result, energy flows freely, carrying out restorative and regenerative healing.

To prepare for the practice, create a calm, quiet space to sit or lay down so that you are completely supported and comfortable. Perhaps place a cover over the eyes, or cover yourself with a light blanket if you wish.

I recommend using headphones or an external speaker if possible to receive the full benefit of the sound healing.

Sound Healing instruments utilized in this offering:

Chimes of the Eclipse in Bronze

This chime showcases a unique and beautiful sounding feature called "octave doubling". This expands the range of the chime while adding harmonic content, conjuring the magic of Eclipse energy. -Woodstock Percussion

Bronze is an alloy of Copper and Tin. Copper corresponds to the planet Venus, and Tin is associated with Jupiter, combining the energies of beauty, love and connection with abundance, optimism and joy.

Planetary Gongs: Full Moon, New Moon, Chiron, Nibiru and Sedna These gongs are tuned to the frequency of the planetary bodies. ‘The gong is an age-old musical instrument that creates deep and profound vibrations when it is played. While the Acutonics tuning forks are designed to create micro-vibrations that are applied directly to channels within the body, the gongs are designed to effect transformation in large environments. They set a powerful stage for the therapeutic setting by dramatically shifting the molecular environment, setting up layers of vibrations in the air that resound through our emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual bodies.’ (

Himalayan singing Bowls: Om, Chiron (Old Bowl), Om Ah Hung, Om/Sedna (Old Bowl), Heart/Venus.

Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls: Gold, Divine Grandmother, F/ Heart, Azeztulite, Aqua Aura, Celestite, Tesseract salt, Apophylite Crone Goddess.

Crystal Planet Chimes - Sun, Moon, Saturn

This practice was recorded on May 24, 2021 in a livestream class.

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This practice is helpful for reconnecting with, and deeply receiving the nourishing, healing energy of the entire cosmos through the 5 elements, and consciously aligning with the energies of Aquarius as we enter a new era.

The energetic qualities of Aquarius are humanitarianism, collective consciousness, innovative use of technology for the greater good, joining wisdom and intellect, co-creating a new structure for society which nourishes and cares for all life.

In particular, this practice aids in connecting with the energies of Uranus and Saturn, as they square each other in the sky for the first of three times in 2021, the major theme of the year. Uranus is the planet associated with rapid change, upheaval, creativity, and innovation. Uranus rules Aquarius, and resonates with the 3rd eye and crown chakras, insight, intuition, (6th sense) and inner wisdom. Saturn is the planet associated with structures, boundaries, discipline, and diligence. It relates to the 5 physical senses, the bones, spine and joints, and the root and sacral chakras.

These two planetary energies are in a square relationship throughout 2021, bringing awareness to the challenges we face as we free ourselves from the old, outdated, limiting structures and patterns of our past. This is a year to see with deeper understanding what has been un-earthed in our individual and collective consciousness, and allow ourselves to envision a new way of being, a new foundation on which to build our future. To co-creatively begin to innovate a more heart centered world, more aligned with Aquarian vibrations of equanimity and care for all life, care for the planet and all of our resources. These planets provide and opportunity to understand more deeply than ever before that all of it is inter-connected, there is no separation.

From a numerology perspective, 2021 is a Number 5 year, a year of great change. 5 is considered a mid-point, a turning point between the past and the future. Number 5 relates to The Divine Within, the knowing that I AM the co-creator of my reality.

Number 5 corresponds to the 5 Elements: Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Space.

The frequencies of Om and Uranus together create a Perfect 5th Interval - which acts as an opening, a portal, a springboard to higher consciousness.

Number 5 also corresponds to the Golden Ratio, Phi, the Fibonacci sequence.

This practice helps us to remember that we are created from, and made of, the spiraling, natural flow of the cosmos. The natural flow of birth, growth, expansion, contraction and death - are followed once again by a new cycle of birth. It helps us open our awareness to the natural flow of evolution within, and to give ourselves the space to experience our full, luminous nature, as we co-create a new world together.

Yoga Nidra is a practice of pausing, letting go, and consciously resting in the the space between sleep and awake, the core of our being. Here, the illusory veil between individual consciousness and universal consciousness can dissolve, and we can experience that we ARE the whole spacious, Universe. In this state of profound connection, we can experience deep healing and a felt sense of wholeness, peace and joy.

The sound and vibrations of the Himalayan Singing bowls, Alchemy Crystal singing bowls, Uranus, Mercury and Jupiter Cosmic Tubes, Sun, Moon and Saturn Planetary crystal chimes, and the Paiste Sedna Planetary Gong support and enhance the practice, facilitating deep relaxation, balance and healing on all levels of body and being. 

Originally recorded in a live online gathering held on February 15th 2021, two days before the 1st Square between Uranus and Saturn in 2021.


Thank you!


Audio Editing

Tyrell Waiters

Graphic Design

Jess LeClerc