Yoga Nidra Recording: New Moon in Leo

Yoga Nidra Recording: New Moon in Leo


Connect with warmth, peace and joy in the heart.

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This practice is beneficial for experiencing and connecting with the the luminous warmth, peace and joy that resides in the heart. Resting here, we can open and receive the light of inner clarity, inspiration and wisdom blossoming from within.  It can also be helpful for feeling a sense of balance, calm and centering, anytime.

It is said that the energies of Heaven and Earth meet in the heart, where there is no conflict, no sense of separation. This practice helps nourish a felt sense of overall connection, and the ability to remain centered and steady, open and receptive - especially during times of great transformation. 

The practice of Yoga Nidra supports us in letting go and re-connecting with our inner source of wholeness and peace. The pure sound and vibrations of Himalayan and Alchemy Crystal Singing bowls, the New Moon planetary gong and other sound healing instruments support and enhance the practice, allowing for healing and rejuvenation on all levels of body and being. 

Recorded on August 18, 2020 at the exact time of the New Moon in Leo.


Thank you!


Audio Editing

Tyrell Waiters

Graphic Design

Jess LeClerc