Yoga Nidra Recording: Double New Moon in Cancer

Yoga Nidra Recording: Double New Moon in Cancer


Replenishment, flow, emotional soothing and balancing.

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This practice was offered at the second New Moon in Cancer in a row, the previous one occurring on the June Solstice and Solar Eclipse. The energy of New Moon in Cancer reminds us to bring our awareness back to our breath, to our heartbeat, to what feels nourishing and supportive and joy-full. What brings us a sense of sweetness, peace and contentment in the present moment? 

This practice is helpful for supporting inner replenishment, and feeling a sense of flow, connecting with the ocean of stillness within. This practice can be used anytime, especially when you would like to support a sense of new beginnings, or anytime you are feeling depleted and would benefit from emotional balancing and soothing.

The practice of Yoga Nidra supports us in letting go and re-connecting with our inner source of wholeness and peace. The pure sound and vibration of the New Moon, Sedna and Chiron Planetary Gongs, the Jupiter and Pluto Cosmic Tubes, along with Himalayan and Alchemy Crystal Singing bowls support and enhance the practice, allowing for healing and balance on all levels of body and being.

Recorded July 20, 2020


Thank you!


Audio Editing

Tyrell Waiters

Graphic Design

Jess LeClerc