Yoga Nidra Recording: Solstice + Eclipse

Yoga Nidra Recording: Solstice + Eclipse


Shift in consciousness, Integrate Solar and Lunar energies.

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This yoga nidra practice is infused with the energies of a series of 3 eclipses, two lunar and one solar, from one full moon to the next. Astrologically, eclipses represent energetic portals, shifts in consciousness, a shift in the way we experience an aspect of ourselves and our world. The energy of eclipse season is in effect for approximately six months, until the next set of eclipses. 

This practice is beneficial anytime, as it supports integrating and understanding whatever is coming into your conscious awareness at this time in life. It facilitates the capacity to simply be deeply present, allowing whatever is arising to be seen, felt, acknowledged and healed, spontaneously and effortlessly.

This practice also supports a felt sense of solar and lunar light flowing in your body, the nourishment of yin and yang in unity as it flows within, while remaining rooted in inner stillness.

The practice of Yoga Nidra supports us in letting go and re-connecting with our inner source of wholeness and peace. The vibrational healing qualities of planetary gongs, Alchemy Crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, elemental chimes and planetary tuning forks enhance the process of deep relaxation, healing and integration.

This combination of stillness and pure vibration facilitates the process of deep and lasting conscious transformation, both individually and collectively.

Recorded on June 16, 2020 in the eclipse portal just before the Solstice and Solar Eclipse


Thank you!


Audio Editing

Tyrell Waiters

Graphic Design

Jess LeClerc